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One Of Us

31 Jan

I told Purple about the newish cashier (with her consent to out her to her of course). This shy redhead… lets call her Pond (yes yes it’s a doctor who reference) is bisexual too! 

But it’s refreshing to get to know other gay people. I asked Purple what her take on it was and it made sense how she described meeting other gay people… 

And it got me thinking back to every LGBT show ever. Why are lesbians or bisexual girls in particular so happy or are attracted to instantly when they meet other lesbians or bisexuals? 

Surely our population can’t be that small… right?

According to Wikipedia, only 3.8% of people in America define themselves as part of the LGBT Spectrum. The total us population is 324,420,000 as of January 23, 2017… so 3.8% of that would be roughly 12,327,960 people who identify on the LGBT spectrum! 

I know maybe 60 at best. 

So compared to the total population, its small but unless one is actively traveling to meet all 12.3 million people, isn’t a double digit number or triple digit number okay?